You’ve been hitting the beach all summer, or maybe you’ve been trotting the globe—bonjour! Whatever you did on your summer vacation, your feet are likely in desperate need of some replenishing. And the best part? No need to book a pedi appointment. We’ve got you covered with the at-home treatments when your hands and feet need some attention!
Our PoshPeel Pedi Cure gives you the ultimate spa treatment, right from the comfort of your own couch. With an advanced AHA+BHA Botanical Blend, our formula of carefully selected ingredients works to deeply dissolve any dead skin and exfoliate rough, callused feet.
Here’s How You’ll Want to Use it:
Soak your feet in warm, soap-free water for 3–5 minutes. This will allow your skin to soften pre-peel.
Pour the Activating Essence into each Foot Masque Sock. Be sure to distribute the liquid along the inside of the cotton lining, but keep most of the Essence in the foot of the sock.
Gently place your foot into the sock, and use the attached closure at the top to seal. Repeat this process with your other foot.
Get comfy—maybe relax and catch up on that last episode of Stranger Things, or just give your inbox a bit of KonMari-ing. No matter what, you can consider the next 60 minutes time well spent.
Times up! Remove, rinse well, and and dry those puppies post-peel. Feel free to apply a lotion if you please.
Not seeing immediate results? Don’t worry. Every peel is different. Give your feet approximately 3–7 days to start peeling. The total time can be 3-4 weeks to complete peeling so ensure you plan ahead for a vacation or event. Before you know it, you’ll be ready for your favorite pair of cozy, fall socks.